How to Write a Term Paper – Improve Your Writing Skills

There are a number of measures you can grammar spelling and punctuation checker take to boost your writing and boost your term paper writing skills. These include learning the basic vocabulary, making more paragraphs, and together with your...

The Centre of Excellence COVID 19 Update

In response to the current Coronvirus (COVID 19) pandemic and as directed from the Victorian Government to shut down all non-essential activity across our State…

Everything you need to know about Phrases

If you want to learn more about the English language there are two ways you can do it. One is to wander the country and get talking with the locals. Unfortunately Australians have a nasty habit of cutting off the end of most of their words and if...

Grammar is the Soul of English Language

When we set out to learn a new language, like the English language, it can be overwhelming and daunting. Perhaps you have tried one of the many English tutors in Melbourne, or thought about attending an English language college?

How far do you want to take your education?

Studying general English, no matter what level, is the starting point for your growth in your overseas education. The COE ELICOS courses are designed to help you navigate to this world wide reigning language. It is essential to you that your...

Painting and Decorating

Certificate III in Painting and Decorating- CPC30611 is proving to be a popular course which started at the beginning of the year. Anything but a desk job-this course covers all aspects of painting and decorating and enables the graduate to...